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Calling All Teachers & Educators

Calling all teachers, educators & homeschoolers! Our latest auction is just for you. We have hundreds of high quality education resources available for bidding NOW...and it all starts at just $1!! Looking for big books? We have over 500. Are you looking to add to your classroom library? We have THOUSANDS of classroom library books. We've got leveled readers, Saxon & Phonics, Fountas & Pinnell, Lucy Caulkins, pull-down maps, globes, scales, rock kits and SO MUCH MORE! The online auction is live for bidding now and will close Saturday the 17th @ 7:00 pm. Pick up will be the following day on Sunday the 18th. Feel free to come check it all out Friday evening from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm and preview before you buy! Check it out at the following link...


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